Phoebe’s Vision
Phoebe envisions a community in which BME women and children experience better quality of life. Our vision is to facilitate the following:
- BME women and children having equitable access to public health facilities and resources including maternal and neonatal health, sexual reproductive and mental health;
- To alleviate and eradicate poverty among the BME community;
- To advocate for and promote gender equality within the community;
- To improve the mental health and self-esteem of BME women and children;
Through information sessions, workshops, and tutoring, increase the employability of BME women and girls;
Advocate against GBV and offer support services for women and girls from BME and migrant backgrounds;
To offer support services for BME and migrant women who are in prison or on probation;
- To render family support services and counselling;
- To train and capacitate community champions within Ipswich and beyond to be first responders within the communities regarding any issue that affects the well-being of women and children from BME and migrant backgrounds; and
To assist women with legal expertise on immigration and referrals to other organisations affiliated with Phoebe that specialise in immigration support.