Phoebe Committed to Sustainable Development in Suffolk and Beyond.

SDG 1 aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Its objectives include ensuring that the entire population and especially the poorest and most vulnerable have equal rights to economic resources, access to basic services, property and land control, natural resources and new technologies. As Phoebe our projects are aimed at reducing poverty through addressing the socio-economic determinants that make women and children from BME and migrant backgrounds vulnerable to poverty. Through our English as a Second Language classes, tutoring for GCSE examinations, career guidance, internet hub access, vocational skills training, entrepreneurship classes are all aimed at increasing the employability and entrepreneurial skills of the BME and migrant women and girl with an overarching aim of alleviating feminised poverty.

Phoebe envisions a community in which there is zero hunger particularly among the underprivileged BME and migrant communities.
Our projects and services are tailor made to increase the employability and self-sustenance of women and girls from BME and migrant communities in order to allay hunger, promote food security and healthy eating habits. This is in line with SDG 2 which aims to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. We are working towards this goal through the promotion of sustainable agriculture which we have started to implement through our gardening club. Encouraging beneficiaries to get involved in food – growing while promoting skills development will simultaneously increase food security and alleviate malnutrition amongst the black and minoritised community.

SDG3 seeks to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all times.
All our projects are depicted to the fulfilment of SDG3 in so far as the underprivileged communities are concerned especially women and children from the BME and migrant backgrounds. In accordance with Target 3.1 and 3.2 that seeks to reduce maternal mortality rates and maternal complications by 70%, we have the Suffolk Black Mothers and Babies Project that offers psycho-social support to black mothers, increase knowledge and equitable access to maternal and neonatal health facilities and resources to reduce maternal complications, maternal mortality rate as well as promote neonatal health. Target 3.7 sets out the goal to increase access to sexual reproductive health resources and facilities, our services also include providing referrals, community education, advocating for equitable access to sexual reproductive health (SRH) resources as well as strategic partnerships with SRH service providers. Our vision and mandate to better the lives of women and children from BME and migrant communities which at the core is mental well-being and the provision of services such as support group networks, counselling and group therapy.

SDG5 has been declared pivotal to the realisation of all the 17 sustainable development goals.
TSDG5 envisages the elimination of gender inequalities that inhibit women from taking their position within political, social, and economic spheres particularly the overlooking of their fundamental role in achieving sustainable development. As such Phoebe is and has been committed to the eradication of socio-cultural practices that sustain and facilitate gender inequality. Through numerous advocacy campaigns, training of community advocates, signposting, and gender training of key stakeholders in the public service such as public school teachers, health personnel and other pertinent staff who are involved in policy-making or implementation. We envision a community devoid of gender inequality and discrimination and we are committed to fighting against it in order to achieve sustainable development within or community as envisaged in the SDGs.