Friday 29th November 2024
P.H.O.E.B.E invites you to our first annual Gender Justice & Intersectional Practice Conference. Join us for a day of networking, learning, and inspiring discussions in one of Suffolk’s most multicultural towns.
Female Genital Mutilation
This constitutes a grave and serial violation of several women’s and girls’ human rights. FGM violates the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of gender and sex as stipulated in the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and mandates State Parties to, “take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and practices which constitute discrimination against women.” (Article 2 (f)). FGM is recognized as a violation of that best interest standard and a violation of children’s rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) mandates States to abolish “traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children.” (Article 24 (3)). FGM is illegal in the UK. It is illegal to take girls who are UK nationals or UK residents abroad for FGM whether or not it is lawful in that country. Girls born in the UK may also be at risk of FGM when they travel with their families to visit friends and relatives in countries where this practice is common.
If you are abroad and require help or advice please call the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on +44 (0) 20 7008 1500.