
Phoebe Blog


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July 2024 Newsletter

Our weekly walks are back! Our Ambling African Women explore Suffolk every Thursday in an effort to bridge the gap between green spaces and minority women. Our walks promote improved overall wellbeing and we provide transportation and lunch at no cost in an effort to remove common barriers. Join us for a unique opportunity to connect with the Suffolk countryside!

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June 2024 Newsletter

On May 23rd, we led a walk along the Sailors Path at Snape for the Suffolk Walking Festival. Bridging the gap between Black, minoritised, and migrant women is the aim of our Ambling African Women walking group and we managed to do just that during our walk. We hope everyone enjoyed the opportunity to connect with nature while nurturing their mental and physical health.

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April 2024 Newsletter

One of our goals as an organisation is to provide opportunities for minoritised and migrant children. During the halfterm period, children took part in trips to Alton Water, played games, baked treats, watched movies, and expressed themselves through crafts and dancing.

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January 2024 Newsletter

Over the Christmas period, we facilitated children’s activities at our centre. These activities ensure children have a safe space to enjoy while school is out. During a time of food insecurity these spaces and activities are especially important as they ensure children have at least one hot meal during the day.

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November 2023 Newsletter

During Black History Month, we were visited by ITV and featured on the news to highlight the work we do and our impact on the black and minoritised community. We have continued to hold regular ZUMBA classes led by a qualified instructor on Mondays and Tuesdays. during these session we have started to offer floor exercises with all of the necessary equipment provided.

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Summer 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to PHOEBEs youth newsletter, Edition 1!  We are starting off by doing a roundup of our summer here at the centre, which has been very busy with school – aged children being off for the summer holidays. Summer holiday activities for our young people have been in full swing since July 25th and continued until the first week of September.

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The Rwanda Flooring Plan

The Rwanda Flooring Plan

The Rwanda Flooring Plan ANNOUNCED APRIL 2022 In April 2022, the government announced plans to forcibly send certain categories of people seeking asylum to Rwanda. Instead of having their applications assessed in Britain, the process will be managed by the Rwandan...

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Say No to FGM

Say No to FGM

SAY NO TO FGM Female Genital MutilationTwo hundred million girls and women in the world are estimated to have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and another 15 million girls were considered being at risk of experiencing it by 2020 in high prevalence countries...

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New Immigration Laws – Legal Updates

New Immigration Laws – Legal Updates

New Immigration Laws LEGAL UPDATESOn 6 July 2022, the remaining sections of the Nationality and Borders Act (or “NABA”) became law. It introduces grim and far-reaching changes to the UK asylum system and is likely to have a devastating impact on the lives of people...

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